Activity & Events Calendar


All activities and events are subject to change depending on resources.


Project Announcements

CCARO Website Launched!

Finally we have an offical website up for all of you to enjoy. It is by no means complete but is an ongoing project to be updated and improved as we continue to learn and grow. We hope you will find enjoyable and useful information here and will feel free to become involved in our projects.

Development of Education Packages

We would like to create a planning and development team for this project. If you have ideas for exciting educational materials to help develop people's interest in nature conservation, power point presentation making experience or artistic/ literary talent to help design and create the final products, we welcome your assistance.

Please let us know how you would like to help and when you will be available. We will probably need to have several short planning sessions but most of the work can be done on your own time. You can contact us at or preferably on the Development of Education Packages Blog to the right. If you are not interested in becoming part of the team but have ideas feel free to post them on the blog as well .

Projects Journal

Development of Education Packages Blog

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