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February 6th 2010: Saut d'Eau Survey

Posted by a_r_n on Monday, February 15, 2010, In : Saut d'Eau Island 
This survey began earlier than the previous one, which resulted in us leaving the dock before the official sunrise. Although the light was dim, the sea conditions were favourable for sightings with a beaufort of 3 and low sea swells. Halfway to the island of Saut d'Eau, around 6:20, the light improved. The vessel slowly circled the island to to find a safe way onto the island itself for our next trip and to enable the bird surveyers to get photographs of the nesting pelicans to help them make...
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January 2010: Saut d'Eau Island Survey

Posted by Alesha Naranjit on Saturday, February 13, 2010, In : Saut d'Eau Island 
On the 24th January, I found myself on a Coast Guard vessel at 6:30am racing along the north coast of Trinidad towards the island of Saut d'Eau (So-do) with camera and binoculars in hand, looking for any signs of whales or dolphins. I was on CCARO's first cetacean survey of the year.

On this month's survey, although we have heard from our interviews with fishermen, that dolphins pass along this north coast route regularly in the morning, no whales or dolphins were spotted along our survey rou...
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