Programme Journals

Public Education

Improving Access to Information

Developing Educational Materials

Volunteer Training
Project Calendar

Education and Awareness: Developing the Desire and Ability to Protect Nature

Why is Education and Awareness Important?

As people’s lives become increasingly separated from the natural world, they become more unaware of the animals, plants and natural landscapes around us. They are unaware of the beauty and complexity of nature, of how it enables us to survive comfortably and how it can be affected by our choices and actions. Environmental awareness programmes make us more conscious of what is in the natural world around us and that our lives can affect it. Environmental education increases people’s knowledge about nature and how we affect it, giving people the information they need to make decisions that will help protect our natural environment, including ourselves. The more people learn about plants, animals and the world around us, the more they will want to know and the more important it will be to them to become involved in environmental conservation.

Special training can also be given to people who are willing to be involved in conservation activities thus improving the country’s ability to deal with conservation issues as they arise.

Why Focus on Nature Conservation Before Cetacean Conservation?

As people’s lives become increasingly separated from nature, it has become increasingly important for them to be reminded of our dependence on the natural environment; that their lives affect nature and that nature is full of beauty, wonder and enjoyment. At CCARO, we realize that there are intricate connections in nature and to protect cetaceans, we need to care for nature as a whole. Through public education and awareness programmes, improving access to information, developing effective educational materials and offering training and involvement in our conservation work we aim to develop in people a sense of wonder and a desire to protect the environment.
CCARO Education and Awareness Programmes
Public Education and Awareness
Public education can take place through displays, lectures, talks or workshops with interested groups (including schools, church groups, community groups...) as well as through newspaper articles and radio or television programmes. We aim to do at least one public awareness activity per month and hope to do more as our manpower and funding increase. At the moment we intend to focus on why conservation is important and introducing cetaceans and CCARO to the public.

Want to be involved?

To see a schedule of events, click here

To volunteer for a public education event click here.

To request an event at your school or group click here.

To suggest areas that you think may benefit from such an event or events you think may help deliver our messages please contact us.

Improving Public Access to Cetacean Information
Apart from actively going out to educate people, we are also providing access to information which people can utilize when it interests them. At present this is being done through our CCARO website which provides easy access to information on whales and dolphins, how people’s actions can affect these animals and how they can get involved in cetacean conservation. It will also keep interested members of the public up dated on CCARO’s projects and how they can volunteer.

Want to be involved?

See our Wish list

Developing Education Packages

We are in the process of designing several education packages (in preschool, primary school, secondary school and adult versions) which can be made available to schools and groups interested in doing cetacean or general conservation education. It will be possible for these to be downloaded from our website library or distributed as electronic copies for the educators to print or use as needed. We aim to complete two packages (Why is Conservation Important and Introduction to Cetaceans) in all 4 versions and have them available for use by October 2009.

The packages may contain:


Activity book/ sheets for students

Teacher notes and activity guidelines

A Power point presentation / material for presentation without computer

Brochures/ Information handouts

Stickers/ Bookmarks

Teaching aids

Want to be involved?

To see project schedule, click here

To help create material, please contact us to discuss how you can help.

To help assess material, please contact us to have material sent to you for comment.

To offer free or reduced printing services to make copies of educational material available for educators who cannot afford printing costs, please contact us.

Volunteer Training

Team members and volunteers will be trained in relevant areas and will be exposed to basic information on cetacean biology, ecology, threats to the animals, what individuals can do to help, as well as relevant training in the following areas:

collecting local knowledge (interview and communication skills), fieldwork (use of survey related equipment, cetacean surveying skills, collection of behavioural data and databasing) and education and awareness (communication skills, teaching skills and use of relevant equipment). 

Want to be involved?

To see the training schedule, click here

Are you interested in being trained? Contact us.

Are you interested in helping to train? Contact us.
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